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Sandra Teen Model Early Sets Img 32

The Ohio State's Rare Books and Manuscripts Library contains fourteen leaves from a now-fragmented Italian Book of Hours. These pages are illustrated with what some might consider doodles--drawings that lack finish, finesse, or seemingly even a purpose, and as such, have not been the object of any serious study. The manuscript was likely produced near the end of the fourteenth century; the leaves are decorated with images which were added at least a century later, probably in the early sixteenth century. This essay aims to address why these pictures were drawn in the manuscript and what sort of meaning might be found in them. While they could be referred to as doodles--the bored marks of an amateur artist--I will describe them as illustrations or images. I believe they relate to the content and function of the book in which they are found. The images are tantalizing and vague, managing to seem both unique and idiosyncratic but also somehow rote and unremarkable. Indeed, it is their allusive form and meaning that drew me towards them.

Sandra Teen Model Early Sets Img 32


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