The sternum, then, is a large expanded plate extended over thewhole anterior part of the thorax, and even covering more or lesswhat may be considered the abdomen. It varies greatly in differentgenera; but in all it is more or less four-sided, and convexexternally, forming the basis for the powerful muscles by whichthe wings are moved. These wings serve as arms by which thebird guides itself, ascending or descending according to the impulsegiven them. "That the anterior form of birds is modifiedso as to be subservient to the aërial progression for which theseanimals are intended," says McGillivray, "is obvious and intelligible.Their bodies are oval, with the more powerful musclesplaced on the breast, so that, when the horizontal position isassumed, the centre of gravity comes between the wings, and iskept near the lower part by the weight of the pectoral muscles.184The length and flexibility of the neck enable the bird to make thenecessary changes in the centre of gravity, while the solidity ofthe dorsal spine gives advantage to the action of the muscles.The head is terminated by a pointed bill, which aids in cleavingthe air; the feet, when short, are drawn up and concealed underthe feathers; when long, they are stretched out beneath or behindthe tail, which is more or less expanded, and helps to supportthe body in the air, as well as, by acting in the manner of arudder, to change its direction, or, by being expanded, to breakits descent."
Flydogs – Frizbee Gives Wings To A Dog