In 2014, the British government introduced the Copyright and Rights in Performances (Personal Copies for Private Use) Regulations 2014, which as the name suggests allowed users to copy digital media, including DVDs and Blu-rays, for personal use. But this was later quashed by a High Court ruling in 2015, which insinuated that the government was wrong to allow the public to make copies of CDs and DVDs on the basis that there would be no compensation for those whose copyright was infringed.
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If you are looking for tools for dust-busting, de-flickering, stabilization or fixing other kinds of film defects, DIAMANT-Film Restoration gives you the right solution from fully automatic, semi-automatic restoration up to interactive manual retouching of your film material. The well proven and easy-to-use interface and restoration filters offer you a perfect solution to optimize the workflow in the digital restoration process. DIAMANT-Film Restoration is being used successfully since 2001 in film archives, post production houses, studios and laboratories from over 150 clients worldwide. Learn more about DIAMANT-Film Restoration ...
Includes all features from the other editions. Digital film restoration software for dual processor workstation on Windows 8/7 64bit.Full featured software package including tools for dust-busting, scratch removal, de-noise, de-graining, de-flickering, image stabilisation, de-warping, re-graining, color registration and many more (30 filters).Supports 64 bit, multi GPU, batch rendering and optional a render farm.Learn more about DIAMANT-Film Restoration ...
Most film producers and distributors rely on digital cinema encoding facilities to produce and quality control check a digital cinema package before release. Facilities follow strict guidelines set out in the DCI recommendations to ensure compatibility with all digital cinema equipment. For bigger studio release films, the facility will usually create a DCDM (Digital Cinema Distribution Master).