Both Pronterface and Pronsole let you interactively control your machine, slice objects directly from the host, print objects, upload to SD cards and run SD prints... Printrun supports both serial and ethernet connections and has been used with great success on a wide range of 3D printers and CNC machines.
3d Printer Host Software Mac
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User interface is all a matter of taste. This is why we give you a lot of choices on the host interface. Temperature gauges or graphs, full controls for calibration or lightweight ones for daily usage, 2D or 3D viewer, tabbed or single window interface... It's all your call!
Printrun is free, open-source software, licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3. Printrun was created by Kliment Yanev, and is now co-maintained by him and Guillaume "iXce" Seguin. Contributions are more than welcome, and have been received from:
This is the reason why you can print any filament in perfect quality like PLA, ABS, PETG, chocolate or metal, if your printer hardware supports it. Biotech companies even print organs with Repetier-Host.
3D printing is cool, but it always takes some time and nobody wants to spend all the time sitting next to the printer. This is where the Repetier-Informer app enters the scene. This will give you the desired status reports via fast and free push messages to your smartphone and/or tablet.
MatterControl is a free, open-source software package that lets you design, prepare, and manage your 3D prints. It includes powerful design and print preparation capabilities, as well as potent templates in the Design Apps that will kickstart your creations.
MatterControl is not only open source - it's also free. Our developers interact with users to learn exactly what is needed of our software now and in the future, making MatterControl the best it can be. Within MatterControl you can choose to download the stable build, or the beta version of the software to get your hands on, and test the latest powerful features. We have already incorporated integrated design tools, and we have the ability to control multiple 3D printers simultaneously from one computer.
Whether turning your 3D models into physical objects or starting your rapid prototyping process, if you are planning to use 3D printing, you will need the best 3D printing software to meet your goal! What kind of software could be helpful for your 3D printing journey?
You can also use Cura as a 3D printer host software to control your machine, but the 3D printer needs to be connected to a PC during the whole 3D printing process. With Ultimaker Cura, users can monitor all the 3D printing jobs from a single user interface!
Slic3r is an open-source software allowing you to slice, preview, and more! Another widely used 3D printing tool. As a good slicing tool, Slic3r cuts your 3D design into horizontal layers, generates toolpaths to fill them, and calculates the amount of material needed to 3D print the object.
This open-source slicer software will allow you to place, scale and rotate your object as well as slice it. You will also get the opportunity to preview your 3D model before 3D printing. Repetier supports three different slicing engines, Slic3r, CuraEngine, and Skeinforge, and handles 16 extruders. This 3D printing tool offers quite a lot of customization, ideal for more experienced users.
This program includes many exciting features, such as customizable support structures, multi-material support, or even smooth variable layer height functions. PrusaSlicer 3D software can be used with both FDM and resin printers, and its various modes will allow you to adapt the settings to your skill level.
OctoPrint is a free, open-source software accessible from your web browser. It is a real web-based 3D printer host that allows for the control and monitoring of 3D printers. Moreover, OctoPrint is compatible with most 3D printers and offers the possibility to start, pause and stop the 3D printing process remotely.
MatterControl 2.0 is developed by MatterHackers; this all-in-one program is a 3D printer host, slicer, and CAD software. This software will tackle your entire 3D printing process, from design to actual manufacturing.
This software package targets beginners and advanced users. Many tutorials are available on their website for new users, while experienced ones will have the pleasure to discover the possibilities of advanced settings for customized support generation.
With many features and several advanced tools, Sketchup is a well-known professional-grade software. The software is beneficial for professionals who need to create 3D models easily to showcase them to their customers. This 3D software is primarily used for architecture, interior design, or engineering projects but can be used for 3D printing.
This 3D software is gaining popularity among professionals and hobbyists. Fusion 360 by Autodesk combines Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM), and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) software. It has a more modern take on design and will give you numerous design, simulation, and production tools. Fusion 360 will be excellent for 3D printing engineering projects, mechanical parts, and product design. It is also important to mention that Fusion 360 is cloud-based, making it much easier to work in teams.
Blender is a well-known computer-aided design software, and it is a powerful mesh-based direct modeling software and not a parametric one. Professionals even use Blender to develop video games or animation. It is pretty similar to software such as Mudbox or ZBrush, and it is not suitable for beginners.
This program is fantastic for artistic use, with excellent software tools such as sculpting, rendering, and fast modeling. But it is also a perfect software if you need to create 3D printable 3D models, as it also includes CAD features to repair your meshes. It can avoid bad surprises once parts come out of 3D printers.
These instructions assume the software will run on a Raspberry Picomputer in conjunction with OctoPrint. It is recommended that aRaspberry Pi 2, 3, or 4 computer be used as the host machine (see theFAQfor other machines).
Most Klipper settings are determined by a "printer configuration file"that will be stored on the Raspberry Pi. An appropriate configurationfile can often be found by looking in the Klipperconfig directory for a file starting with a "printer-"prefix that corresponds to the target printer. The Klipperconfiguration file contains technical information about the printerthat will be needed during the installation.
If there isn't an appropriate printer configuration file in theKlipper config directory then try searching the printer manufacturer'swebsite to see if they have an appropriate Klipper configuration file.
If no configuration file for the printer can be found, but the type ofprinter control board is known, then look for an appropriateconfig file starting with a "generic-" prefix. Theseexample printer board files should allow one to successfully completethe initial installation, but will require some customization toobtain full printer functionality.
It is also possible to define a new printer configuration fromscratch. However, this requires significant technical knowledge aboutthe printer and its electronics. It is recommended that most usersstart with an appropriate configuration file. If creating a new customprinter configuration file, then start with the closest exampleconfig file and use the Klipperconfig reference for further information.
After installing OctoPi and upgrading OctoPrint, it will be necessaryto ssh into the target machine to run a handful of system commands. Ifusing a Linux or MacOS desktop, then the "ssh" software should alreadybe installed on the desktop. There are free ssh clients available forother desktops (eg,PuTTY). Use thessh utility to connect to the Raspberry Pi (ssh pi@octopi -- passwordis "raspberry") and run the following commands:
The above will download Klipper, install some system dependencies,setup Klipper to run at system startup, and start the Klipper hostsoftware. It will require an internet connection and it may take a fewminutes to complete.
The comments at the top of theprinter configuration fileshould describe the settings that need to be set during "makemenuconfig". Open the file in a web browser or text editor and lookfor these instructions near the top of the file. Once the appropriate"menuconfig" settings have been configured, press "Q" to exit, andthen "Y" to save. Then run:
If the comments at the top of theprinter configuration filedescribe custom steps for "flashing" the final image to the printercontrol board then follow those steps and then proceed toconfiguring OctoPrint.
It's common for each printer to have its own unique serial port name.This unique name will be used when flashing the micro-controller. It'spossible there may be multiple lines in the above output - if so,choose the line corresponding to the micro-controller (see theFAQ for more information).
From the main page, under the "Connection" section (at the top left ofthe page) make sure the "Serial Port" is set to "/tmp/printer" andclick "Connect". (If "/tmp/printer" is not an available selection thentry reloading the page.)
Arguably the easiest way to set the Klipper configuration file is touse a desktop editor that supports editing files over the "scp" and/or"sftp" protocols. There are freely available tools that support this(eg, Notepad++, WinSCP, and Cyberduck). Load the printer config filein the editor and then save it as a file named "printer.cfg" in thehome directory of the pi user (ie, /home/pi/printer.cfg).
Alternatively, one can also copy and edit the file directly on theRaspberry Pi via ssh. That may look something like the following (besure to update the command to use the appropriate printer configfilename):
It's common for each printer to have its own unique name for themicro-controller. The name may change after flashing Klipper, so rerunthese steps again even if they were already done when flashing. Run: 2ff7e9595c